Full Time

Junior Curriculum Designer

A Junior Curriculum Designer is an entry-level position in educational development. They assist senior designers in creating learning materials, like courses or programs. They typically focus on research, development, and implementation of engaging curri


To apply as Junior Curriculum Designer at Englishvit, you should meet our qualifications bellow:

Subject Matter Expertise: Strong understanding of the English language and proven ability to develop engaging and effective curriculum for learners of various levels (beginner, intermediate, advanced).

Instructional Design: Experience in applying instructional design principles to create well-structured, learner-centered curriculum materials.

Content Creation Skills: Excellent writing and editing skills to develop clear, concise, and grammatically accurate learning materials (e.g., lesson plans, activities, assessments).

Technology Integration: Familiarity with integrating technology tools and resources into online English language learning curriculum.

Assessment Strategies: Experience in developing and implementing effective assessment tools to measure student learning progress.


To apply as Junior Curriculum Designer at Englishvit, you should meet our requirements bellow:

Bachelor's Degree: Bachelor's degree in English Language Teaching (ELT), TESOL, Curriculum & Instruction, or a related field (preferred).

Teaching Experience: Prior experience teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) or English as a Foreign Language (EFL) is highly desirable.

Understanding of Learning Management Systems (LMS): Familiarity with how online courses are delivered and managed through an LMS platform is beneficial.

Curriculum Development Tools: Experience using curriculum development tools and software (optional, but a plus).

Job Responsibilities

Working as Junior Curriculum Designer at Englishvit, you will be responsible for several jobs bellow:

Curriculum Design & Development: Develop original, engaging, and effective curriculum materials for online English courses at various proficiency levels.

Learning Objectives & Assessments: Create clear learning objectives and align assessments to measure student progress and course effectiveness.

Content Integration: Integrate different learning materials (e.g., audio, video, interactive exercises) into the curriculum to cater to diverse learning styles.

Alignment with Standards & Frameworks: Ensure curriculum aligns with established English language learning standards and frameworks (e.g., CEFR).

Collaboration & Review: Collaborate with subject matter experts, instructional designers, and other stakeholders to develop and refine curriculum materials.

Curriculum Maintenance & Improvement: Regularly review and revise curriculum based on student feedback and industry trends.