Full Time

Graphic Designer

Designs graphics for social media contents and marketing needs such as poster and sales banner.


To apply as Graphic Designer at Englishvit, you should meet our qualifications bellow:

Strong Design Skills: Proven ability to create visually appealing and engaging graphic design materials that align with the company's brand identity.

Understanding of Visual Design Principles: Knowledge of composition, layout, typography, color theory, and imagery to create effective and impactful visuals.

Software Proficiency: Mastery of design software like Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign) or similar professional design tools.

Educational Marketing Experience (Optional): Experience creating marketing materials for educational institutions or the EdTech industry is a plus.

Content Creation Skills: Ability to develop original and engaging visual content (illustrations, icons, infographics) that complements written content and resonates with the target audience.

English Language Proficiency: Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English to craft engaging marketing materials and understand student needs.


To apply as Graphic Designer at Englishvit, you should meet our requirements bellow:

Bachelor's Degree (Preferred): A bachelor's degree in Graphic Design, Visual Communication, or a related field is preferred. A strong portfolio can substitute for formal education in some cases.

Portfolio: A compelling portfolio showcasing your design skills, creativity, and ability to create visually appealing content for educational purposes.

Understanding of Learning Management Systems (LMS) (Optional): Familiarity with how online courses are presented visually within a Learning Management System (LMS) platform would be beneficial.

Cross-Functional Collaboration: Ability to collaborate effectively with marketing teams, instructional designers, and other stakeholders to ensure design consistency and alignment with course content.

Job Responsibilities

Working as Graphic Designer at Englishvit, you will be responsible for several jobs bellow:

Develop Course Marketing Materials: Create visually appealing marketing materials (e.g., brochures, social media graphics, website banners, email marketing visuals) to promote English courses and attract potential students.

Design Courseware Elements: Develop engaging visuals for online courseware, such as illustrations, infographics, icons, and other visual elements that enhance learning.

Maintain Brand Consistency: Ensure all graphic design work adheres to the company's brand guidelines and style guide to create a cohesive visual experience.

Adapt Designs for Different Platforms: Adapt and optimize graphic design materials for use across various digital platforms (e.g., website, social media, mobile apps) while maintaining visual quality.

Content Creation & Ideation: Conceptualize and develop original visual content ideas to support marketing campaigns and course materials.

Stay Updated on Design Trends: Keep up-to-date with the latest design trends and software advancements in the field of educational content creation.

Revisions and Feedback: Incorporate feedback and make revisions to designs efficiently to meet project deadlines and client expectations.