Kelas khusus untuk kebutuhan profesional
182 user
Kelas intensif untuk mempersiapkan diri menghadapi dunia profesional yang kompetitif. Di kelas ini kamu akan belajar secara specific skill-skill yang dibutuhkan dalam dunia profesional speaking dan writing, seperti: Emailing Skills, Presentation Skills, Interview Skills, Small Talk Strategy.
Dengan mengikuti kelas ini kamu akan lebih siap menghadapi tuntutan kemampuan berkomunikasi di dunia professional.
Kelas eksklusif ini kami rekomendasikan buat kamu yang ingin meningkatkan karir dan pendidikan di level multinasional atau global.
Kelas ini bisa diikuti oleh:
Mahasiswa, Pekerja, Spesialis, Profesional lainnya.
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Final test
Kamu akan mempelajari berbagai topik pembelajaran seperti berikut ini:
Small talk is necessary to master for professionals or advanced students who are soon to embark on a professional journey because it can either make or break your relationship with your speaking partner.
Pre Test
Small Talk - Simple Present and Present Continuous
Discussion on small talk
Post Test
On this lesson we are going to learn about the most commonly asked interview questions and how we can answer it properly by using the correct grammar as well as learning about good manner in addressing those questions.
Pre Test
You are Invited for an Interview
You are invited for an interview!
Post Test
In today’s world there are so many unjust treatments found in office work and some departments need to deal with making a report or training regarding work ethics attended by the staff.
Pre Test
Work ethic. Does it matter?
Work ethic. Does it matter?
Post Test
We need to be able to express our opinion about something or a person. Sometimes students struggle to find the more intensified adjectives to represent their thinking or ideas.
Pre Test
What do you think of that new project?
What do you think of that new project?
Post Test
Review Test
In this lesson we are going to discuss about different ways we can address our concern or complaints to the other party. We need to understand how to show our dissatisfaction in a more sophisticated way.
Pre Test
I need to file a complaint
I need to file a complaint
Post Test
In this lesson we are going to discuss different idioms that we can use for our professional life.
Pre Test
What is success for you?
What is success for you?
Post Test
On this lesson we are going to read a couple of report sample and learn how written English can be slighty different to the English we speak. We are going to learn how we can write a proper email for our colleague at work or a proper report.
Pre Test
Written English - Email and Report
Written English - Email and Report
Post Test
These days news is updated within split second but unfortunately not all of them are accurate. In this lesson we are going to learn about analyzing news report and make a decision whether that particular news is accurate or HOAX.
Pre Test
Use critical thinking to judge news report
Judging News Report
Post Test
Review Test
While we have touched on several types of conditionals, in this lesson we are going to learn deeper about different types of conditionals so we can correlate the cause and effect of 2 events.
Pre Test
Post Test
Why presentation skill matters? Regardless we are a student or a business owner or maybe an employee, we need to be able to present our ideas either for an assignment or a project that you have been assigned to work on.
Pre Test
Lesson about presentation
Post Test
Some jobs require their employee to write an essay or submit an academic writing as a requirement before they can be promoted.
Pre Test
You are about to be promoted!
You are about to be promoted!
Post Test
On this lesson we are going to discuss about different mistakes that even advance level English speaker use sometimes.
Pre Test
Advance learners mistake
Advance learners mistake
Post Test
Review Test
182 user
2 hari yang lalu
it was good class, i can learn anything about english for profesional
6 hari yang lalu
Very helpful to build my confidence in speak english. Thank you
1 minggu yang lalu
sangat membantu untuk belajar dan memperlancar sesuai kebutuhan karir
1 minggu yang lalu
Best Course for work environment, it may help me at workplace.
2 minggu yang lalu
Great Class! Recommended for people who'd like to improve their english skill