Kalau kemarin EnglishVit udah kasih 15 vocab seputar perkuliahan, kali ini EnglishVit udah siapin 20 vocab seputar bisnis. 

Kamu gamau kan kalau tiba-tiba dikontak perusahaan luar negeri buat collab, tapi gagal total gara-gara nggak bisa bahasa Inggris?

Nah, supaya kamu tidak mengalaminya, wajib banget nih buat tau vocab-vocab seputar bisnis di bawah ini. Check this table out! 




AdvantageKeuntunganOur product has advantages.
AdvertiseMengiklankanThey advertise the album for over 300 tabs of the album.
AgendaJadwalWhat’s the first event on tonight’s agenda?
BudgetAnggaranThe company has a large annual budget.
CommissionKomisiShe got a commission for every book that she sold.
ConfirmationKonfirmasiYou will receive an email confirmation of your order.
DecisionKeputusanThe leader had a difficult decision to make.
DeficitKekuranganThe company is experiencing a financial deficit.
Disadvantage KerugianOur lack of experience in this field is our disadvantage.
EmployeeKaryawanThis company has 50 full-time employees.
EstimateMemperkirakanMy estimate of his abilities was wrong.
FundDanaTheir company was short of funds.
GrowthPertumbuhanGrowth will accelerate to 2.9 percent next year.
GuaranteeMenjaminI guarantee that you'll be satisfied.
ImproveMemperbaikiThe teams’ leader was trying to improve his employees.
ObjectiveTujuanThe main objective of this project is to promote online learning.
OutputHasilThe factory has achieved a steady growth in output.
ProfitLabaThere was a rise in profit this year.
ResponsibilityTanggung JawabThe leader is holding big responsibilities.
ShareSahamThe company handed 478,698 common shares to the VIP investors. 

Dari 20 vocab di atas, mana nih yang sering kalian pakai waktu bekerja? Don’t forgut to use it, supaya bahasa Inggris kalian makin advance. Masih ada banyak vocab yang bakal EnglishVit bagiin nih, so stay up to date yaa.