Englishvit.com - Waktu kamu belajar bahasa Inggris, tentunya kamu menemukan beberapa idiom yang sering digunakan oleh native speaker. Idiom-idiom tersebut digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, baik dalam konteks bisnis, media dan percakapan sehari-hari antar teman.  Kalau kamu sedang bersiap-siap untuk menghadapai ujian bahasa Inggris seperti TOEFL atau IELTS, 45 idiom di bawah ini wajib kamu pelajari. Selain memperoleh skor tinggi, dengan mempelajari idiom pemahaman kamu tentang materi listening akan meningkat. Berikut adalah 45 idiom yang paling sering digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris.


1.  Every cloud has a silver lining


Artinya            :Badai pasti berlalu

Example          :Every cloud has a silver lining, you will find a new job very soon.


2.  A hot potato


Meaning          :Masalah atau situasi yang kontroversial, sensitif dan sulit ditangani 

Example          :The subject of Brexit is a hot potato.


3.  Give someone the benefit of the doubt


Meaning          :Percaya orang lain, meskipun meragukan mereka

Example          :Give him the benefit of the doubt, he may not have been there.


4.  Let sleeping dogs lie


Meaning          :Tak usah mengungkit hal yang sudah berlalu

Example          :Let sleeping dogs lie, you were not there so you cannot comment.


5.  Once in a blue moon


Meaning          :Sangat jarang.

Example          :Once in a blue moon there will be an eclipse of the sun by the moon.


6.  Steal someone’s thunder


Meaning          :Mengambil keuntungan dari hak orang lain

Example          :He stole his colleague’s thunder about doing an excellent job.


7.  Best of both worlds


Meaning          :Situai yang ideal

Example          :He had the best of both words until his wife found out that he was cheating. 


8.  Don’t count your chickens before the eggs have hatched


Meaning          :Jangan berhkhayal

Example          :Don’t count your chickens before the eggs have hatched as it may not happen.


9.  It takes two to tango


Meaning          :Perlu kerjasama

Example          :If you don’t love me back then I’m out. It takes two to tango


10. Your guess is as good as mine


Meaning          :Saya tidak tahu

Example          :Your guess is as good as mine as to where they both went last night.


11. See eye to eye


Meaning          :Setuju

Example          :We see eye to eye on how to progress the matter further.


12. A picture paints a thousand words


Meaning          :Visualisasi lebih membantu dibanding kata-kata.

Example          :Just show him the photos, a picture painted a thousand words


13. Catch someone off guard


Meaning          :Mengejutkan

Example          :He was caught off guard when they asked him to be the new chairman.


14. Hear it on the grapevine


Meaning          :Mendengar selentingan.

Example          :She heard it on the grapevine that he had been promoted.


15. Get down to business


Meaning          :Kembali ke inti persoalan

Example          :As every member of the team is now here, we can get down to business.


16. Back to square one


Meaning          :Kembali ke titik awal

Example          :The project was not good.  We need to go back to square one and start again.


17. Fifty fifty


Meaning          :Bagi dua sama besar

Example          :Divide the cakes fifty fifty


18. Go the extra mile


Meaning          :Berusaha lebih jauh

Example          :He went the extra mile to ensure everything was finished on time.


19. On the same page


Meaning          :Saling setuju

Example          :We are on the same page as to how to take the situation forward now.


20. Don’t rock the boat


Meaning          :Jangan mengacau

Example          :Don’t rock the boat about the costs of the project.


21. Don’t upset the apple cart


Meaning          :Jangan mengacau

Example          :Don’t upset the apple cart by making a scene.


22. The sky’s the limit


Meaning          :Tidak ada yang mustahil

Example          :The sky’s the limit, work hard and you will progress to the top of the firm.


23. The elephant in the room


Meaning          :Masalah yang terabaikan

Example          :The elephant in the room no one wanted to see was money.


24. Take the bull by the horns


Meaning          :Menangani masalah

Example          :Take the bull by the horns, you must sort out the major problems.


25. In the black


Meaning          :Cuan

Example          :The business is in the black as we have made more profits than we thought.


26. In the red


Meaning          :Rugi

Example          :The company has been in the red for the last three quarters.


27. Read between the lines


Meaning          :Memahami hal tersirat

Example          :Reading between the lines, I’d say he isn’t happy with the situation. 


28. Uphill battle


Meaning          :Hambatan bertubi-tubi

Example          :There is an uphill battle to win the contract.


29. No time to lose


Meaning          :Harus segera diselesaikan

Example          :He has no time to lose as his project is due in first thing tomorrow morning.


30. Word and mouth


Meaning          :Gosip

Example          :The news spread by word and mouth that the new hotel was very successful.


31. Throw in the towel


Meaning          :Menyerah

Example          :He threw in the towel and left his job as he was unhappy.


32. Absence makes the heart grow fonder


Meaning          :Rindu

Example          :Absence made his heart grow fonder and he realised he missed her terribly.


33. A watched pot never boils


Meaning          :Menunggu tanpa melakukan apapun akan terasa lama

Example          :Don’t check your e-mail oftenly. A watched pot never boils


34. Better late than never


Meaning          :Lebih baik terlambat daripada tidak sama sekali

Example          :He finally finished the paper.  Better late than never as it was due last month.


35. Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.


Meaning          :Jangan menunda pekerjaan

Example          :Don’t put off until tomorrow – finish the project today.


36. Good things come to those who wait


Meaning          :Sabar

Example          :Good things come to those who wait.  Your promotion will come soon.


37. Birds of a feather


Meaning          :Cocok

Example          :Those two are birds of a feather.  No wonder they meet so often.


38. There is no time like the present


Meaning          :Kerjakan sekarang juga

Example          :Don’t wait untill tomorrow! There is no time like the present. 


39. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it


Meaning:         Jangan diutak-atik

Example:         If it ain’t broke don’t fix it, the car still works so do not buy a new one.


40. There is no such thing as a free lunch


Meaning          :Semua ada harganya

Example          :There is no such thing as a free lunch.  He wants you to accompany him.


41. Practice makes perfect


Meaning          :Terus berlatih agar lebih baik

Example          :You will become a great tennis player. Practice makes perfect. 


42. When in Rome, do as the Romans do


Meaning          :Beradaptasi

Example          :I have tried when in Rome, do as the Romans do but it really doesn’t suit me.


43. Laughter is the spice of life, laugh on


Meaning          :Tertawa adalah obat terbaik.

Example          :Laughter is the spice of life, laugh on and we will help cheer you up.


44. Don’t judge a book by its cover


Meaning          :Jangan menilai seseorang dari penampilan luarnya

Example          :John looks poor but he is actually rich. Don’t judge a book by its cover. 


45. Honesty is the best policy


Meaning          :Jujur itu baik

Example          :Honesty is the best policy.  Tell your manager you made a mistake.


Idiom tersebut akan membantumu meningkatkan skor TOEFL dan IELTS kamu, khusunya dalam speaking dan listening. Selain itu, speaking kamu terdengar lebih lancar dan sound like natives. Seperti yang sudah kamu pelajari, idiom di atas ternyata bukan hanya kumpulan kata, tapi merupakan kata-kata yang bermakna.  Faktanya, kebanyakan native speakers tidak menyadari jika mereka sering menggunakan idiom dalam percakapan sehari-hari. Pelajari idiom-idiom di atas beserta artinya. Jangan lupa dipraktekkan dalam conversation.